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Safety Bingo

Who doesn't enjoy a bit of bingo! Our Safety Bingo game is a great way to engage your workers in an exciting training session.

Each team/player must answer the question as the ball number is shown on screen. The first team/player to have a line of correct answers or full house wins!

Safety Bingo will be sure to bring some healthy competition into your training room. This game is ideal for safety awareness days or adding it as part of your training sessions.

You can populate the game with our themed questions or use any of your own. You can add your own questions in the games admin system.

Play the game now

Screenshot of Safety Bingo game.

Why use Safety Bingo?

  • Re-enforce your key safety messages
  • Add any of your own questions
  • Use our pre-populated themed games
  • Play as a single player or as 2 teams competing against each other
  • Ideal for safety awareness days
  • Break up the PowerPoint slides and bring life to your training sessions

Our games